Aquaculture Association of Caqueta - ACUICA

ACUICA is a non-profit, second level trade association established in the Department of Caquetá with 470 associates and about 976 producers in the region that cover 250 hectares of aquaculture reservoirs.

ACUICA focuses on the breeding of alevins (baby fish) of native Amazonian species intended for the production of animal protein and ornamental fish with export potential.

ACUICA promotes research, development and transfer of technology for small and medium aquaculture producers and works with female household-heads, ex-coca growers and displaced families who have aquaculture as an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable alternative.

Through strategic alliances it has managed to export ornamental fish to countries such as China, Mexico, Chile, the United States, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, among others.

  • Location of ACUICA producers in Colombia
  • Our products
    • Animal protein

      White Cachama: Characidae family, native to the Amazon with silver and reddish fins. It reaches 88 cm in length and 20 kg in weight. The meat of the cachama is very appreciated and the species is being raised in ponds.

      Black Cachama: Serrasalminae family, known as cachama, cherna, tambaqui or pacú negro, is a fish native to the Orinoco basin and the Amazon. Its reproduction is carried out every year, cyclically in the winter. It leaves its fertilized eggs in the margin of the rivers and in flooded zones, where the wild fry grow.

      Bocachico amazónico: the bocachico is native to the basins of Magdalena, Orinoco and Amazonas. This migratory fish belongs to the family of the Characid. It feeds on decaying organic matter and is used in polyculture to help balance water conditions where tilapia or cachamas grow.

    • Sábalo amazónico: Amazon fish that measures up to 50 cm length and weighs up to more than 4 kg. It is a fish with a compressed, elongated body. Its color depends to a certain degree on the type of water it is in, but in general it has a grayish coloration with bluish reflections on the back and flanks.

      Pirarucú, paiche or arapaima: of the Arapaimidae family, is the second largest freshwater fish in the world, after the beluga sturgeon (huso huso). It grows to more than 3 m in length and can weigh up to 250 kg.

      Fish meat production projection*

      * Fish meat projection made for the department of Caquetá considering the production of Cachama, Bagre, Bocachico, Pirarucú, Sábalo and Tilapia. Information extracted from the technical document of the aquaculture chain.

    • Ornamental fish

      Silver or Amazonian Arawana: a species found in the Amazon basin, with a long body, and a sharp tail, with dorsal and anal fins extending all the way to the small caudal fin, with which they are almost merged. It can grow up to a maximum size of 150 cm. Unlike the black arawana, the silver arawana has the same colors throughout its life.

    • Pirarucú, paiche or arapaima: of the Arapaimidae family, is the second largest freshwater fish in the world, after the beluga sturgeon (huso huso). It grows to more than 3 m in length and can weigh up to 250 kg.

      Zebra catfish: is one of the most appreciated worldwide fish in the aquarium. This species is very delicate in its management since the reproducers stress too easily and die quickly. It requires large tanks with high filtration to ensure high oxygenation and water flow.

      Oscar fish: although it is a very voracious fish and a great predator, due to its slow growth it is not produced for consumption; but if it arouses great interest in the aquarium industry. It reaches a length of 50 cm, and a weight of 1.6 kg. The captured wild forms of this species are typically dark and colored with orange ringed spots on the caudal peduncle and dorsal fin.

    • Alevins (baby fish)

      Juvenile fish of the native Amazonian species that are produced naturally or by hormonal induction of artificially breeding fish. They are the raw material for the production of high quality protein and low cost for human consumption. The video shows the parental care of the Arawana male.

    • Projection marketing of alevines**

      **Proyección realizada para el departamento del Caquetá considerando la producción de Alevinos de Cachama, Bagre, Bocachico, Sábalo y Tilapia en Caquetá. Información extraída del documento técnico de la cadena acuícola.

    Our facilities
    • Fish farming station - El Doncello - Caquetá

      Our fish farming station is located in the municipality of El Doncello, Caquetá. This station has a water surface area of 4,000 m2. Here we support the activities of handling consumer fish, ornamental fish, reproduction, fattening, lifting and marketing. We also provide training, technical assistance and technology transfer to producers, students, professionals and companies.

    • Fish farming station - El Doncello - Caquetá