Forest & farm products
Evaluating forest protection and agricultural productivityKey indicators on forest protection, agricultural productivity and ease of doing business in producer jurisdictions

Per capita income (US$ Dollar) | 123456 |
Income inequality | |
Human development index |
Average Production Tons | |
Average Harvested area (ha) | |
Productivity (tons/ha) |
Average yearly deforestation area (ha) | |
Average yearly deforestation rate (%) |
Forest protection index |
Distance to port (Km) | |
Time to export border compliance (hours) |
Cost to export: border compliance (USD) |
Social key indicators
The Production and Harvested data are derived from databases made available by statistical offices of the Ministry of Agriculture of each country.
Productivity data were calculated by EII with official data
Forest protection key indicators
The Forest protection index is calculated based on the annual deforestation measured in the state as an index that combines: Average deforestation rate (%) considering the 3 most recent annual reports and Variation of deforestation with respect to a historical deforestation baseline.
Ease of doing business
Distance to port (Km): Minimum Euclidean distance from the jurisdiction center to the nearest port. Calculated by EII.
Time to export border compliance (hours): The time and cost for border compliance include time and cost for obtaining, preparing and submitting documents during port or border handling, customs clearance and inspection procedures-
Cost to export: border compliance (USD): The time and cost for border compliance include time and cost for obtaining, preparing and submitting documents during port or border handling, customs clearance and inspection procedures-